how to submit!

CMA now only accepts queries through our agents’ individual Query Manager accounts. Please check each agent’s bio, wish list, and Query Manager page to learn about submission guidelines and whether the agent is currently open to queries.

Paige Wheeler: Wish List |

Shannon Snow: Wish List |

Haley Casey: Wish List |

Megan Frayser: Wish List |

Laurie Dennison: Wish List |

Liv Ivanov: Wish List |

Vicky Weber: Wish List |

Andie Smith: Wish List |

Please only query one CMA agent at a time. However, you are welcome to submit to another agent if the first agent passes. Any queries simultaneously sent to multiple agents may not receive a response.

Normally we respond within 4-6 weeks, but we have been responding a bit more slowly. If you have interest or an offer, please make sure you check in with us so that we can have an opportunity to review and respond.

tips for submissions, from our readers

At CMA, your work gets reviewed by a team of readers who read and debate the merits of each submission. Here are some helpful tips supplied by our dedicated staff:

Grab our attention.

Pull us into your project without a massive interjection of backstory in the first chapter. A coherent flow, regardless of genre, always makes us want to hear more of what an author has to say!

Be prepared.

We love concise nonfiction proposals packed with details and information. Make sure you have a marketing and promotion section and solid steps for how you plan to promote your book. It also doesn’t hurt to have a strong social media presence and following!

Build your world.

The setting of your world is vital. When properly done, worldbuilding can bring us into your story in a matter of seconds, giving us no choice but to cheer your protagonist on.

Clean it up.

Editing is important before you send in your manuscript. Make sure the writing is clean, with as few mistakes as possible—critique groups and reading partners are crucial to this end!

Focus on characterization.

We want to read about complex characters who make us want to learn more about them. Giving your characters dynamic dialogue will be a step in the right direction!

Give exactly what is asked for.

Review the submission guidelines and make sure you are sending exactly what is required, in whatever format is asked.

Raise your voice.

When we read manuscripts, we look for a unique voice and/or a unique take on an old trope. What makes your story special or new?


Tailor your queries and agent search to your project. Does your writing reflect each agent’s body of work? Remember to cater to your audience!

Summarize with style.

Have a strong, attention-grabbing synopsis. Remember to be detailed, and try to avoid major plot holes.